Happy Stars T.M. Preschool
Happy Stars T.M. Preschool

Local Offer

How our setting knows if young children need extra help and what our parents/carers should do if they think their child may have SEND.

Each child on induction is allocated a key person who will be responsible for the child’s individual care and development. If a parent/carer has any concerns then these should be shared with the child’s key person. The key person will work closely with parents /carers to identify any individual needs the child may have. The key person will observe the child in the setting and complete an assessment of their development. A meeting will be arranged to meet with parents / carers to share any concerns, and with parent’s consent contact any other professionals if required. 

We may use the ‘Early year’s outcomes guidance’ as a tool to assess the extent to which a young child is developing at expected levels for their age. When your child is between 2-3years we will review your child’s development and provide you with a short summary. This progress check will identify your child’s strengths and any areas where the child’s progress is slower than expected.

How our setting supports young children with SEND

 Where it is decided to provide ‘SEN support’, the support will always be in partnership with parents/carers. Parents will be informed at regular meetings of what steps are needed to meet your child’s needs. The key person alongside other professionals will discuss with you and identify your child’s next steps. We will then plan together how to achieve those outcomes and how you can also support your child at home. The effectiveness of the support and its impact on the child’s progress will be reviewed every half termly by the key person and SENCO working with the child’s parent and taking into account the child’s views

How our setting creates learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND

Every child is ‘Unique’ and through observing your child we will plan weekly activities linked to the EYFS to ensure all possible lines of developments are followed. We plan individual learning experiences and observe your child to help us provide the best learning opportunities for your child and achieve their next steps in all areas of development

How our setting works in partnership with parents/carers

There is always an opportunity at each session to discuss any concerns about your child as parents/carers are welcomed in to the setting. We hope to form positive relationships with all parents/carers and hold regular meetings for you to meet with your child’s key person. Information is shared with parents about learning, achievements and wow moments in their child’s day

How our setting supports the wellbeing of a young child with SEND

We offer Settling in sessions to help familiarise your child with the pre-school and enable you to support child with their transition into pre-school.  Your child’s care routines will be discussed to ensure continuity. Any additional care plans or risk assessment will be completed in partnership to ensure your child’s wellbeing and safety.

Staff training and experience in supporting young children with SEND

Our SENCO  has received her initial training, is enthusiastic about completing futher  training to extend her knowledge this September. She has also completed equality and inclusion training. The SENCO has the support of the Manager of the setting who has had over 17 years experience of working with children with SEND. 

Specialist service and expertise accessed by our setting.

We access a wide range of services to support the setting. These include local children centres, Area SENCO and speech and language therapist, Health Visitors, educational psychologists and specialist teachers.

How our setting includes young children with SEND in community based activities and outings.

Risk assessments are completed to ensure safety is paramount, extra staffing or the child’s parents may be required. The setting has an outings policy

Our accessible environment

The main hall is fully accessible to a wheelchair or walking frame and we have an accessible toilet facility. Any specialist equipment required to ensure your child can access the setting safely will be identified through a risk assessment of your child’s needs.

How our setting organises its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND

We are a Church pre-school and do have limited funds, but we are happy to apply for funding from resources that support individual children’s needs. We would also send staff on any additional training as necessary.

How we decide on appropriate support for young children with SEND

The Manager and SENCO will work closely with you and other professionals to determine your child’s needs. We have regular meeting to involve all practitioners in any support required. Through planning and observations your child’s key person will complete a plan to work with your child.

How we involve parents/carers in our setting

We have a committee which parents of the setting sit on, they are invited to help the pre-school and church make decisions on the development of the pre-school. Parent’s views are also sort through questionnaires. Parents are invited termly to discuss their child progress against the early years foundation stage. Parents can also get involve at organised events such as sports day and our Nativity.

Who to contact for further information

If you would like to speak to the Manager or SENCO please contact is on 07768908178 or email happystarstmp@hotmail.co.uk

Contact us at:

Happy Stars

Thundersley Methodist Preschool,

Kennington Avenue



Tel: 07768 908178

Enquiry E-mail:


Manager E-mail:



SENCO E-mail;


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